I have been watching in horror some Republicans loudly make an issue out of a mosque being built somewhere near Ground Zero. The reason this horrifies me is because Republicans often come close in their platform to what we really need right now:
- Repealing this new health care legislation and bringing true reform to our health care industry by bringing true free market competition to this sector of our economy.
- Lowering taxes and getting government spending under control so that the people and private industry can get back to creating economic activity.
- Government support of the free market instead of falsely vilifying it.
- Respecting the citizens that empower them with rule of law that safeguards our Bill of Rights.
OK – so that’s not really the Republican platform-but they do seem to be the closest to it. That is until some of their members decided to express themselves about the Ground Zero mosque.
The Ground Zero mosque is such a non-issue it is jaw-droppingly absurd how much press it is getting. Is there any consensus of real citizens that give a crap whether this mosque gets built near Ground Zero?!?!?
I get out and come in contact with a lot of people from various walks of life and there are plenty that are up in arms about the horrible health care legislation, the bailouts and the stimulus. But I don’t know anyone who was going around saying “Muslims should not be allowed near Ground Zero”.
That’s how I come to my conspiracy theory. There are some extremely influential interests that have attached themselves like parasites sucking obscene amounts of wealth from the American citizens. They are able to do this by manipulating the power that has concentrated in Washington over the years even though their power is dwarfed by the voting and tax paying power of the American People.
How do they keep us from rising up and destroying them? By dispersing us with the belief that we cannot reach a political consensus. Right now there is the appearance of widespread discontent and intolerance amongst our ranks over this issue. It gives the majority of us who understand the law in this country – private property, freedom of religion – the idea that there are others among us who don’t understand and are intolerant bigots. And guess what these intolerant bigots are positioned with? The policies we do agree on – real healthcare reform, lower taxes, less government spending and intervention.